The LuaScript Engine

* About
* A Lua Engine for Windows Active Script.
* LuaScript is 35x faster than VBScript in our benchmark.
* Server side Lua is available by LuaScript/ASP/IIS.
* Install
> regsvr32 %YourPath%\LuaScript.dll
(Administrator is required.)
* Usage
> cscript test.lua
> cscript test.wsf
@ http://host.domain/test.asp
* Note
* LuaJIT(2.0.0 b9) is built-in as Lua Engine.
* COM is available.(powered by LuaCOM)
* Example
<%@ language="LuaScript" %>

    function fHello()
        dic = luacom.CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")

        dic:add("english", "Hello")
        dic:add("japanese", "Konichiwa")

        return( dic )
    sWorld = "Sekai"

        <%= fHello()("japanese") %>, <%= sWorld %> !

* Thanks
for The Programming Language Lua.
for The LuaJIT Project.
for The LuaCOM Library.
* License
* MIT License
* Download
* v0.2.0.0 [x86 x64] [Source]
Natural Style Co. Ltd.